Teaching philosophy
Engage, empower and guide students to discover the beauty of mathematics, expose students to relevant and awe-inspiring applications and mentor students in their research interests.
Mathematics is the most elusive of all the arts. It took 8 years of serious study to even begin to understand the medium and begin to work with it in a creative way. Math is art. I wouldn’t be a mathematician otherwise.
FOr Students
PatrickJMT on youtube works out examples from algebra, trig, calculus, linear algebra, etc.
What's your play personality?
a wonderful/ridiculous/wonderfully ridiculous website to go to if you are frustrated, stressed, and need to hear words of encouragement from a math professor.
classes taught
elementary function theory
introduction to statistics
mathematical concepts
explorations in mathematics
modern calculus I
modern calculus III
calculus I
calculus II
calculus III
differential equations
linear algebra
real analysis I
real analysis II
algebraic structures I
algebraic structures II
special topics: projective geometry
special topics: frame theory
special topics: advanced linear algebra and its applications to digital technology
first year seminar:
hidden perspectives, mathematics in art and art in mathematics
London semester courses:
mathematical influences in art
victorian society and mathematics in wonderland and flatland
independent study:
investigating COVID-19 data at Southwestern University
background on 3D slices of quaternion Julia sets for abstract sculpture
lewis carroll and the mathematics of wonderland
mathematical background for an android app: geometry and music
image processing: fourier analysis, wavelet analysis and compressed sensing
projective geometry: perspective drawing, philosophy, algebraic geometry
perspective drawing and geometry
creativity cohort
representing gender course: explorations in mathematics